Thermal Vision Research has over ten years’ experience in the thermal imaging market. Founded by Matthew Clavey, they supply FLIR’s range of specialist IR thermography cameras for the research and development (R&D) sector to customers in the UK.
Thermal vision research supplies a range of companies from major blue chip’s, national organisations or individual engineers, scientists and inventors developing a project on a smaller scale.
They can customise a camera package to suit different sized projects and budgets. Many of the cameras offered are not widely available In the UK. Thermal Vision Research provides a unique bespoke solution when combined with tailored software packages and expert technical support.
The company provides equipment and network setups, training, and evaluation support in addition to the thermography cameras. This personal service is offered to experienced and novice technicians alike, across all industry sectors.
Thermographic solutions are available for every application, from non-destructive testing to paper processing, or consumer appliance design.
Thermal Imaging in a Research Setting
FLIR’s thermal imaging cameras are used to capture and record thermal distribution and variations in real-time, allowing engineers and researchers to see and accurately measure heat patterns, dissipation, leakage, and other temperature factors in equipment, products and processes. Some of these cameras can distinguish temperature changes as subtle as 0.02°C. They feature state-of-the-art detector technology and advanced mathematical algorithms for high performance and precise measurements from -80°C to +3000°C. The R&D camera ranges combine extremely high imaging performance and precise temperature measurements, with powerful tools and software for analyzing and reporting. This combination makes them ideal for a wide range of research, thermal testing and product validation applications.
Speed and Framerate
Cooled cameras have much higher imaging speeds than uncooled ones. High-speed thermal imaging allows microsecond exposure times that stop the apparent motion of dynamic scenes and permit capturing frame rates exceeding 62,000 frames per second. Applications include thermal and dynamic analysis of jet engine turbine blades, automotive tire or airbag inspection, supersonic projectiles, and explosions to name a few. Cooled cameras have very fast response times and they make use of a global shutter. This means that they will read out all pixels at the same time, as opposed to reading them out line by line, which is the case with uncooled cameras. This allows cooled cameras to capture images and take measurements on moving objects without the image blurring.
Synchronization and triggering
Precise camera synchronization and triggering make the cameras ideal for high-speed, high sensitivity applications. Working in snapshot mode the FLIR A6750sc is able to register all pixels from a thermal event simultaneously. This is particularly important when monitoring fast-moving objects where a standard uncooled thermal infrared camera would suffer from image blur.
How to contact supplier:
Thermal Vision Research